7 Practical Tips for Job Search Success in 2025

Job Finding Hacks By Phil Gerard Published on February 24

Job hunting can be a challenge, whether you're just starting out or a seasoned professional looking for your next opportunity. Here are seven tips to help make your search a success, keeping up with the current job market:

1. Apply Flawlessly

Take extra care when submitting applications. Typos, formatting errors, and inconsistencies in style can cost you an opportunity. Nowadays, software makes it much easier to spot and correct issues, but it’s still wise to have someone review your résumé or cover letter before you submit it. When applying, follow the instructions precisely, whether that means submitting one combined document or separate files.

2. Submit Once, Submit Right

Respect the process by submitting your application through the appropriate channels. While you might have a personal connection to the hiring manager, it’s still crucial to follow the instructions laid out in the posting. If you're connected, you can send a quick note to inform them about your application, but always submit it as instructed.

3. Respect the "No Follow-Up" Rule

Following up with recruiters via email or phone call to ask if they received your application can be counterproductive. If your résumé meets the qualifications for the role, recruiters will contact you. Instead, be proactive in other ways, like requesting an informational interview to learn more about the organization and its culture.

4. Arrive at the Perfect Moment

Arriving on time is crucial. Plan to arrive no more than 10 minutes early. If you're travelling to an unfamiliar location, give yourself extra time, but don't arrive too early, as it can be seen as inconsiderate of the interviewer’s time. Consider visiting the location before the interview day to avoid any surprises and get familiar with the place.

5. Make a Strong First Impression

Research the company’s culture to figure out the right attire; some places are more formal than others. I used to think overdressing was always the safest bet, but back when I wore suits all the time, a colleague pointed out that it wasn’t always the best fit for more casual organizations. You also want to feel comfortable in your interview. And a quick tip: skip the fragrances. I once wore (maybe a bit too much) cologne to a meeting, only to find out someone was allergic. It was mortifying. Just focus on presenting your best self!

6. Send a Timely Thank-You Note

Send a thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview, and email is the way to go since it’s quick. Keep it thoughtful, and typo-free. Express appreciation for their time while reiterating why you’re excited about the role. I know some people think a handwritten card adds a nice touch, but in today’s fast-paced world, it usually arrives too late and the moment to make an impression has passed!

7. Keep Your Skills and Résumé Updated

Even if you’re not actively job-hunting, update your résumé regularly and keep track of your career achievements. Staying in touch with a recruiter can help you stay on top of potential opportunities and gain insight into the current job market.

Job hunting can be stressful, but following these tips will make the process smoother and increase your chances of landing your next opportunity. Happy hunting!

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