Protecting Your Peace in a Hectic World

Selfcare By Phil Gerard Published on January 27

Thank God Blue Monday, the so-called "saddest day of the year", is behind us. It can only go up from here, right?

Let's be honest, are you feeling frustrated, angry, or burned out? If you are, you're not alone. I feel like the last five years have taken a toll on all of us. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but the world has never seemed this difficult or divisive.

Oddly enough, when I watch old shows from the ‘80s or '90s, I see people struggling with many of the same issues we face today. It makes me wonder - has the world actually changed this much, or is this just my perception? Either way, things feel more hectic and aggressive now.

Take driving, for example. I hate going out on the road. I dread turning left at a traffic light because at least two cars always blow through the orange when they should be stopping. This is just normal now. I avoid driving downtown unless it’s necessary.

Even in our day-to-day interactions, there’s tension. Microaggressions seem to be everywhere. I’ve experienced them myself at work, encountering moments of unexpected anger and hostility that felt unprecedented.

So, what are we going to do about all this?

I don’t have a perfect answer. But I do know this: We need to protect ourselves and find ways to counteract the negativity, stress, and challenges we face, especially at work. I saw a post on LinkedIn recently that stuck with me: "At work, you are replaceable. At home, you are not."

That hit me because I know I’ve been guilty of letting work stress spill over into my personal life. It’s not fair to the people I care about, and it gives those problems power they don’t deserve.

The other day, I heard a crisis counsellor on the radio talking about trauma and how to deal with it. He said something simple but profound: "Taking care of yourself is key."

Self-care looks different for everyone. For me, it’s taking a walk around my favourite lake with my dog, Fletcher - it’s like soul-cleansing therapy. For you, it might be going to the gym, attending a concert, participating in a religious service, or talking with a close friend. Whatever your “counter-program” is, make time for it. Protect your peace so you can show up as your best self for the people you love.

Taking care of ourselves is not selfish, it’s essential if we want to be generous and present for others.

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