Job Summary
The Executive Director is responsible for implementing the mission and vision of Virginia Health Options, VHO, Inc., a non-profit organization. The Executive Director reports to and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director implements policies approved by the Board, supervises the VHO, Inc. staff, and administers VHO’s programs and operations including the management of grants and the implementation of fundraising initiatives. The Executive Director partners effectively with stakeholders and serves as the VHO spokesperson and representative within the community.
Duties & Responsibilities
- ▪ Collaborate with Board of Directors to implement programs and plan activities to achieve organizational goals
- ▪ Ensure that the Board of Directors is informed via periodic financial and programmatic updates
- ▪ Provide staff support to Board of Directors meetings
- ▪ Monitor and supervise operations and employee performance to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and ethical standards. Ensure that all quality performance measures are met.
- ▪ Ensure effective, efficient and prudent office operations, including but not limited to negotiation of lease agreements, management physical space, management of office equipment, and purchase and renewal of all necessary insurance policies.
- ▪ Conduct all aspects of human resources management, including but not limited to recruiting, training, supervising and (if necessary) terminating staff; conducting annual performance reviews; assuring that raises are appropriate, equitable, and in compliance with applicable budgets; tracking annual and sick leave and assuring compliance with policies; maintaining benefits plans (health, life and short term disability insurance) and communicating updates/renewal times to staff; maintaining and updating Policy and Procedure Manual for all personnel.
- ▪ Create, conduct and oversee execution of all fiscal systems, including but not limited to budgeting; monthly invoicing, quarterly and closeout reports; monthly accounts payable and receivable; and payroll.
- ▪ Develop funding streams to support VHO’s mission and diversify its revenue base, including but not limited to submitting grant applications to current funders, researching new grant opportunities, and exploring other appropriate funding sources.
- Assure timely compliance with all requirements of all grantors, including but not limited to: reviewing, approving and submitting monthly, quarterly and annual reports; providing all required assurances and certifications; providing supervision and oversight to all funded programs.
- ▪ Participate in all committee and contractor meetings as required by grantors and/or as may be appropriate for effective community partnerships.
- Conduct other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.