Provide leadership, guidance, and oversight to local Christian non-profit transitional housing program. Work
closely with the community and the Board of Directors on fund raising, programming and anything that supports and nurtures positive well-being of the families in the program.
Successful candidates must have a minimum of one-year prior supervisory or management work and two
years’ experience working with non-profit agencies and/or community service agencies (more experience
preferred). Background in budgeting and financial management required. Previous grant-writing experience,
and excellent leadership, management, communication, planning, and organizational skills also required.
Attend all board meetings as an ex-officio member. Participate on the Executive Committee and on other
committees as requested by the board. Participate in annual new member orientation and training. Assist the
board chair in developing meeting agendas. Present programmatic reports and appropriate issues and
concerns to the board for consideration or approval. Assist the board with developing, maintaining and
implementing a relevant strategic plan.
Develop an annual operating budget for presentation to the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors.
Monitor monthly financial reports including income and expenditure accounts. Ensure board representation
at the annual audit review.
Approve and code expenditures for payment and code income for deposit. Review and approve all grant
reimbursements making certain grant money is used properly and within time allotted. Review and approve
payroll expenditures weekly. Ensure compliance with approved internal controls, procurement and
investment policies, and contract requirements.
Maintain staff organizational structure and provide staff supervision as outlined in organizational chart.
Conduct annual performance reviews with all staff and recommend equitable salary and benefit increases for
board approval. Ensure compliance of state and federal employment laws. Review employee policy manual
annually and recommend changes as needed. Plan on-going staff training and development opportunities.
Plan regular staff recognition and award events and team-building opportunities.
Supervise the collection and maintenance of records and statistical data to ensure complete and timely
reporting compliance for the board, grantors and program evaluation.
Respond to all written and verbal communications in a timely manner.
Reapply for existing community organization, foundation grants and contracts on an annual basis and attend
any required annual contractor meetings. Prepare for and conduct annual site visits by funding agencies.
Look for new or occasional sources of funding that are relevant to the mission of Jeremiah’s Place, apply for
these funding sources as approved by Board.
Oversee the Board’s approved-funding special events, including the annual Spaghetti Supper. Ensure that
every donor is properly thanked and recognized in the annual report.
Maintain and provide oversight and recognition for all in-kind donation programs including gifts to program.
Maintain the Direct Services Policy and Procedure Manual to ensure program relevance and compliance.
Provide ongoing program supervision and evaluation, ensuring that outcomes are captured in a way that can
be expressed to grantors, donors, the board, and the community.
Include the staff and clients in the annual program evaluation and strategic planning process. Review the
mission annually.
Look for opportunities to develop new programs or enhance existing programs as indicated by the mission and
the strategic plan.
Provide direct supervision and oversight for all staff and volunteers.
Maintain an open-door policy for staff to assist with family-related problems or issues.
Ensure participation and representation with all community service agencies that could potentially serve the
Jeremiah’s Place families.
Provide a liaison when opportunities arise within the community for providing services in a cooperative and/or
collaborative way.
Develop a plan and provide oversight and supervision for a program of community outreach, education and
information sharing.
Make available in-service training for other social service agencies, community organizations and churches.
Interpret the agency’s mission, goals, and services to various publics including board, staff, volunteers,
donors, other social service agencies, relevant government agencies, the inquiring public and the media.
Supervise the creation of the agency’s annual reports, press releases, media events, the web site, and special
literature. Regularly review and update brochures and printed materials.
- Strong Christian faith and desire to serve other a Christ like manner
- Bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, business management or related field, (work experience may be substituted year for year)
- A minimum of one 1 year prior supervisory or management work and two years’ experience working
- with non-profit agencies and/or community service agencies
- Background in budgeting and financial management
- Previous grant-writing experience
- Proficient use of critical thinking skills
- Excellent leadership, management, and verbal and written communication skills
- Strong planning and organizational skills
- Good public speaking and community involvement skills
- Past experience working with the indigent and working poor strongly preferred
- Five-plus years’ directly related experience